Digital Green Passes: What You Need to Know and How to Get One?
As time goes by and the adaptations for COVID-19 become part of everyday life, more and more countries are including green passes into their plans. In many locations you need to demonstrate proof that you are free of COVID-19 before being permitted entry to café’s, restaurants, shopping malls and other indoor locations. That’s where the green passes come in.
What Is a Green Pass?
A green pass is a certificate that shows you have been vaccinated or that you recently had COVID-19 (and so carry the anti-bodies). These are usually accessible via a digital application or in some countries, a paper document. This allows access to bars, hotels, restaurants and other public spaces. The system was first passed by Israel. They were the first to include this new system fully into their daily lives.
What is the EU Digital COVID Certificate (EUDCC)?
First known as the Digital Green Certificate, the EUDCC is just like the Green Pass, a type of certificate that will allow EU members to travel between member states easily. The difference between a EUDCC and the Green Pass is that the EUDCC also shows test results and the recovery status next to the vaccination information. So the EUDCC covers a lot more individuals than just the Green Pass and this allows them to travel and access other establishments within locations that accept the pass. This certificate is in the form of a QR Code which can be in your phone or paper copy.
What’s important to know is that with a EUDCC you’re also certified to have a Green Pass. You do need to check the rules between your location and your chosen destination (including countries you may pass through when travelling), but if you’re issued a Green Pass or an EUDCC, you should be able to travel and move freely through participating countries.
In Which Countries Do You Need a Green Pass?
The list of countries having or wanting to implement the system is growing by the day. Acquiring the certificate should not be any different for a visitor or a resident. We have provided links where you can learn more about the specific country you are visiting. Some locations also accept alternatives to the Green Pass — for example a negative Covid test that is less than 7 days old / NHS vaccination card, a flight pass if you have recently travelled — but this depends on the location and even the establishment you are trying to gain entry to using a Green Pass.
To enter restaurants, cafes, hotels, sports recreation centers and hairdressers you need the EUDCC, which means proof of vaccination, a one day old negative coronavirus test or a certificate of recovery COVID-19.
To learn more click here.
The Belgian system is under the name Covid Safe Ticket. This document will allow you to attend an event of 1500 people and more without a mask and with no social distancing. There are multiple ways to acquire the Covid Safe Ticket.
- You need to get your final vaccine shot 2 weeks prior
- You need to have a negative antigen test on the same day of the test and one day after that)
- A negative PCR test on the same day of the test and two days after)
- Or have a doctor’s note that states that you recovered from COVID-19 in the last 6 months
Important to note, the Covid Safe Ticket is just for live events going from September first.
Cyprus has fully implemented their version of the Green Pass system under the name Coronapass or the Safe pass. This app is different than the EUDCC but the systems are connected and you are able to travel safely with an EUDCC
To learn more click here.
Denmark introduced its own version of the certificate called Coronapas, but Denmark follows all EU rules and all the EUDCC rules.
To learn more click here.
The EUDCC is fully implemented and all indoor venues with a capacity of 50 plus people need to be accessed with the certificate. To attend an outdoor event with more than a thousand visitors you also need to present the pass.
To learn more click here.
All EU rules apply. Only children under six years old and those who are regularly tested for the coronavirus in their school programs are exempt from this. It’s important to know that in most regions this is mandatory, especially in those where you have more than 35 cases per 100,000 people.
To learn more click here.
All EU rules apply. The pass is required for any indoor venues such as bars, cafes and restaurants.
To learn more click here.
Learn about: Coronavirus Travel Insurance
All entries to any public indoor venues need to present a Green Pass. The pass in Italy is similar to the EUDCC and what’s important is that children over the age of 12 need to have it too. The document can be issued to those who received at least one dose of the eligible vaccines in Italy. It can also be issued to those able to present a negative coronavirus test in the last two days before attending a large gathering such as museums, parties or sports happenings.
To learn more click here.
Luxembourg uses their version of the app called CovidCheck which allows visitors to use any indoor facilities until 1am. Those who do not have a certificate need to wear a mask at social distance.
To learn more click here.
The Green Pass system has not been fully implemented into the country, but it is important to know that venues that accept a green pass are the ones who can be fully opened.
To learn more click here.
Fully under the EUDCC system, Portugal requires a negative test when entering any establishment and your possible travel accommodation. Restaurants will ask for your vaccination proof on weekends, after 7pm Fridays and on public holidays as on those days the concentration of people is bigger. What’s good to know is that this doesn’t count for children under twelve.
All EUDCC rules apply. You need to show your certificate when entering all indoor facilities, including all from museums, cafes to public events where more than 100 people attend.
To learn more click here.
Not all regions have implemented the Green Pass system. At the moment it is not required to show proof of vaccination when entering indoor facilities. Face masks and distancing is still advised by the state but for further developments we recommend checking the states website.
To learn more click here.
With more and more countries implementing the Covid Pass systems, we recommend that you check this page or your official Government sources for current information.
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